My Star Alchemy was founded by
Shamanic Astrologers Cayelin K Castell and Erik M Roth
and is dedicated to working with the magic of the stars.
Cayelin K Castell
Cayelin co-founded the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School with Daniel Giamario in the late 1990’s helping to create a curriculum that was originally only available through live classes and now is accessible online.
In 2014 Cayelin cofounded Venus Alchemy inspired by the alchemy and magic of each Venus Signature and Venus Return facilitating a profound ceremonial and initiatory journey via the 19 month Venus Cycle.
Cayelin also began writing the monthly Celestial Timings in 1996. It was one of the first astrology/astronmy e-zines inspiring ceremonial and intentional magic from the visionary understanding that we inform the mysteries as much as they inform us especially when we engage these mysteries through intentional ceremony. 😍

Shamanic Astrologer Erik M Roth
Since 2010, Erik M Roth has been providing astrological services as a shamanic astrologer, teacher and author and served 9 years as the Managing Director of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School.
He comes from the lineage of Daniel Giamario’s Shamanic Astrology Paradigm, a system of astrology that is holistic, archetypally-driven and founded upon the “three worlds”, one of the main principles of this sytem of astrology.
Exploring the alchemy and magical/ceremonial qualities of the stars has been a natural outgrowth of Erik’s ongoing vision quest of understanding the nature of who and what we are as soul’s inhabiting Earth as a physical body.
Daniel Giamario
Cayelin and Erik express their appreciation and gratitude honoring Daniel Giamario, whose Shamanic Astrology Paradigm offers the basis and inspiration for My Star Alchemy.
This paradigm operates through an archetypal and mythical framework anchored in the As Above, So Below mysteries – meaning this is a ceremonial and participatory approach to astrology designed to create greater awareness of a person’s life purpose and their relationship to Great Mystery. Learn more about his work here.