My Star Alchemy

Bringing you the Magic and Wisdom of the Stars

The Lion, Goat-Fish and the Aquarius Full Moon

by Erik M Roth This month’s Full Moon takes place in the Goat-Fish constellation on August 11th, 19°21’ Aquarius, less than three degrees from Saturn at 22°05’ Aquarius.  The Sun at 19°21’ Leo is close to the star Alterf, symbolizing the snout or eye of the Lion...

Arcturus and Spica

Originally written in July, 2019 / Revised October 10, 2021 The summer nights (winter in the southern hemisphere) are dominated by certain constellations and stars.   There are many options to see bright stars during this time with the summer triangle of Deneb, Vega,...

Jupiter and the Tail of the Sea Goat

by Erik M Roth Jupiter is currently in retrograde and about to move back into the Goat Fish Constellation (or Sea Goat), before looping back in direct motion on the Sea Goat’s tail. Shamanic Astrology interprets Jupiter as an expansive archetypal agent in motion,...

The Behenian Stars

by Erik M Roth Originally published on March 5, 2020 and modified on June 30, 2021 As an astrologer, I have been inspired recently to take a further dive into a greater understanding of the stars known in the Middle Ages and Renaissance period as the Behenian Stars, a...

Webinar Series to Begin Soon!

We are in the process of building this website and launching the Behenian Stars webinar series. The first webinar is set to begin on September 22, 2021, facilitated by Cayelin Castell and Erik Roth