My Star Alchemy

Bringing you the Magic and Wisdom of the Stars

Welcome to Class 3

Articles Introducing Spica and Arcturus and Corvus the Raven or Crow

Spica and Arcturus Cayelin
Spica and Arcturus Erik

Check out the bonus video below with Cayelin and Jeffery (one of our class members) doing a spontaneous ceremonial look at Algorab aligned with the October New Moon.

Class 3 Spica Arcturus Algorab PDF


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A parsec is defined as 3.26 light-years
because of how it is measured.
That means it takes light 3.26 years to travel one parsec.
10 Parsecs is 32.6 Light Years from Earth

When Measuring Absolute Magnitude it is creating a way to measure all the stars as if they were the same distance from the Earth and then we could see how bright the stars are to each other if they were all equal distant from Earth.


The 27 minute video below features Cayelin and Jeffery Grundtner (one of our Behenian Star Class Members) talking about the October 6 New Moon directly linked to the Star Algorab with some stories and insights about this star and the constellation of the Raven.


A news story (around 3 minutes) talking about White Ravens
seen in Canada and their mythic implications.


Since the Thunderbird was mentioned in this class
here is a fun video exploring the mythology of the Thunderbirds.


The Stars And Where They Are Updated with Table of Planets and Signs

Time Nomad is Free Astrology and Astronomy App for your iPhone or Ipad with Fixed Star add on at a reasonable cost…Here is the Andriod Version discovered after the video was completed.

You can get a computer generated Free Natal Chart at or

Stellarium is a free software program highly recommended for computer or phone – so you can see what stars were near your planets when you were born. (instructional videos will be posted soon)


Occult Philosophy by Cornelius Agrippa published in 1533

Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning by Richard Hinckley Allen
The Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology by Vivian Robson
Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation by Ebertin-Hoffmann
The Living Stars by Eric Morse

Stars of the First People by Dorcas S Miller

Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars by Bernadette Brady

Star Walking Shamanic Practices for Traveling Into the Night Sky by Page Bryant
The Orion Mystery by Robert Bauval & Adrian Gilbert

Starlight Elixirs and Cosmic Vibrational Healing by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld

Earth Sky
Sky and Telescope

Read more about Behenian Stars

Starlight Elixirs Information

Both authors of Starlight Elixiers and Cosmic Vibrational Healing have passed from this world.
Michael Smulkis died in 2014 and Fred Rubenfeld died in 2016.
Pegasus Products was always the company that made the elixirs. Here is a link to the page. Starlight Elixirs
Fred Rubenfeld was the owner of Pegasus Products based on this Linked-in LINK
Fred died in 2016 based on this FB page
Their book is listed on the Pegasus Products website
Michael Smulkis bio is here mentioning that he died
Apparently Michael died in November 2014 according to this FB page