My Star Alchemy

Bringing you the Magic and Wisdom of the Stars

Welcome to Class 2

Articles Introducing Sirius and Vega
Sirius is the New Year Star
Sirius Star Magic
Sirius and the USA Chart
Vega is the Vulture Star

My Star Alchemy Class 2 PDF for the Class Video Below

A question was asked about the Book Return of the Bird Tribes by Ken Carey. Here is my magical, life changing and profound experience with that back in early May of 2000 when the 7 visible planets were in a rare alignment. My sharing includes a dream I had while at Mesa Verde that told me I had returned to live with the Bird People and a couple of days later the book leaped into my awareness while visiting a ceremonial Priestess Sister near Flagstaff Arizona. I share more about it here.


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Chat for Class 2 Video

3:25:35 From Fay Senner : Would you consider the Sothic Cycle to be like the Procession of the Equinoxes?
13:26:43 From Erik Roth : The Sothic Cycle is affected by the Precession but not quite like it since the Precession is on an much larger time frame.
13:31:11 From Sheridan Semple (she/her) : Juniper is the queen of the nervous system!! Big time!
13:34:12 From Fay Senner : Thanks Erik and Sheridan. I just made a vegetable broth with Juniper berries in it.
13:34:18 From Dana Zia : Thank you Erik! I was wondering where it was located Astrologically.
13:40:49 From Melinda Klotz : There is a vulture festival in Makanda, IL next weekend. Makanda, IL is also the place where the 2017 and 2024 Great American Eclipses cross paths.
13:43:59 From Rhonda Tabor : I love that idea.
13:45:42 From Melinda Klotz : Vultures also have an incredible sense of smell. Like they can smell colors or something wild like that.
13:48:27 From Dana Zia : I watched that video about 6 times! It’s great.
13:49:34 From Melinda Klotz : I loved this video too!! Reminds me of a jelly fish.
13:52:55 From Fay Senner : I’ve been wanting to read, The Return of the Bird Tribe by Ken Carey…lots of bird symbols and myths. Have either of you read that book?
13:54:25 From Erik Roth : I haven’t read that book.  Thanks you for the reference!
14:21:31 From Sheridan Semple (she/her) : The goddess Artha is the she bear!
14:22:44 From Melinda Klotz : Thank you Sheridan! I did not know that and the bear has been a big totem for me these past couple years.
14:25:05 From Melinda Klotz : I just love all the bear stuff! Thank you for sharing this! I have a couple chunks of hematite with a little bit of magnetite in them.
14:41:39 From Michelle Hawk : Is Alkaid also a “kind of doesn’t matter for the purpose of planetary conjunctions” star?
14:42:18 From Erik Roth : Yes, mainly but it can easily be used more when a planet is conjunct Alkaid.
14:42:38 From Mary Byron (she/her) : Deep Gratitude.   I learned so much again!
14:43:22 From cecilia : Thank you for the amazing class. I need to go, but I really enjoyed it! Blessings! 🙂
14:43:23 From Michelle Hawk : @Erik meaning it’s easier to look at conjunctions with Alkaid than Polaris? Want to make sure I understand.
14:44:37 From Siskiyew James : Mugwort now is associated with 3 stars, regulus, Polaris and alkaid I find that interesting.
14:45:20 From Erik Roth : It’s more challenging to “see” the conjunctions with Alkaid and Polaris, but with Alkaid the conjunctions are more important than with Polaris.
14:45:25 From Ronda Still : Beautiful and Thank you!!
14:45:43 From Michelle Hawk : @Erik thank you! That answers my question.
14:47:23 From Sheridan Semple (she/her) : Imagine time traveling and freaking out on the different sky!
14:48:27 From Michelle Hawk : Not really a question but I’m pondering the implications on our collective evolution from the solar system moving away from Sirius and towards Vega
14:48:30 From Melinda Klotz : Is it the Egyptian mythology that associated the big dipper with a funeral?
14:48:38 From Rhonda Tabor : Thank you for this class!
14:48:54 From Michelle Hawk : Seems like there’s an interesting axis of consciousness there
14:49:00 From Sheridan Semple (she/her) : Thanks so much!!!
14:49:11 From Michelle Hawk : Because they both have strong alchemical connotations but with different flavors
14:49:40 From Andrea C. : thank you very much
14:49:51 From Shannon Hayes : Thanks so much! Great classes!,
14:49:56 From Sheridan Semple (she/her) : You two rule!!
14:49:58 From Fay Senner : Thank you!
14:50:06 From Melinda Klotz : Ok. I think I have read that and I might have that info around. Thank you so much!! Loved it and I am thrilled you shared the bear!!
14:50:10 From Julie Devoir : Thank you!!!!



The Solar Apex (near Vega) and the Solar Antapex (near Sirius) will be part of what we look at in Class 2 of the Behenian Stars. Be sure to see the short video below or at this link that shows how the Sun and our entire solar system is moving through our Galaxy taking about 230 million years to make one orbit.

The Stars And Where They Are Updated with Table of Planets and Signs

Time Nomad is Free Astrology and Astronomy App for your iPhone or Ipad with Fixed Star add on at a reasonable cost…Here is the Andriod Version discovered after the video was completed.

You can get a computer generated Free Natal Chart at or

Stellarium is a free software program highly recommended for computer or phone – so you can see what stars were near your planets when you were born. (instructional videos will be posted soon)


Occult Philosophy by Cornelius Agrippa published in 1533

Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning by Richard Hinckley Allen
The Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology by Vivian Robson
Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation by Ebertin-Hoffmann
The Living Stars by Eric Morse

Stars of the First People by Dorcas S Miller

Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars by Bernadette Brady

Star Walking Shamanic Practices for Traveling Into the Night Sky by Page Bryant
The Orion Mystery by Robert Bauval & Adrian Gilbert

Starlight Elixirs and Cosmic Vibrational Healing by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld

Earth Sky
Sky and Telescope

Read more about Behenian Stars